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BIOGRAPHY > Cristina Salvoldi

Cristina Salvoldi

"My name is Cristina SalvoIdi and I was born in 1983 in Windhoek, Namibia, moved to Cape Town in 2003 and am currently living and working in Kommetjie. I am a sculptor who is most comfortable with Plasticine clay and I cast most of my private work in bronze. Because of my background in film and theatre however, I have worked with many materials and know a variety of fabrication techniques over and above sculpture. I have no formal art related education. My personal sculpting style is realistic.

I am fascinated with movement and I try to capture fleeting moments that evoke emotion and show the humour, tragedy and beauty of life. My current focal point is children and their quirky, humbling, honest ways. I have exhibited work in Namibian group exhibitions as well as in Berlin while on an artist residency program. I am currently exhibiting some of my work in Stellenbosch."